Singapore is 42years old now!!
im soo love the NDP this year. well, at least it was much more exciting than last year's one.
and i want the star thingy.
jeez. choo went for NDP but she wasnt fated to have a fan.
poor porku choo!!
i was sms-ing weiyun throughout the whole NDP
guessing stuff and wats cute.
even before the NDP parade, i was at weiyun's house.
doing project.
we were doing home economics PBL.
claudia me weiyun and jiaxian
our group was experimenting with pads.
wow! haha. dont shock yourselves out. we rip the pads open.
ok.. then we were playing "golf"
gecko. i won.
then dumb jia won all the spelling games
so her name should be smart jia but still she is dumb jia.
and i like suan-ing her. i want coke jia xian!!
gee. then i took one bus stop down and ended up at weiyun's grandmama's house.
im not with weiyun so you probably dunno what i was there for.
and so i shall enlighten you.
i alighted. yes i alighted and i was wondering if i was in the correct place.
i was a blur. i stared at the block for 10secs before i realised that i was at the place i wanted to be. jeez. people must have thought i was a mad man.
more like mad woman.
anyways, the stall i wanted to go was closed so i aimlessly
[quote from christine seow] "walking into the sea."
and ended up buying two pads of stickers. folding stars paper. rubber bands and a comb
random stuff but i was feeling bored.
i'm going to be back at the same place again tomorrow because smart weiyun wanted me to lend her harry potter book 7 and she doesnt want me to give her during school hours.
moral of the story: dont shout out what you have -grinns
but actually, it would be rather nice if i can take a walk. haha. so i agreed.
and so i'll will go to THAT shop and get what i want.
and im getting hooked onto a book.
that means sleeping late nights just to read it.
its unhealthy but im reading a BOOK
yesterday i was out with friends.
i saw claudia and scream her name in a shopping mall.
guess how much i embarrassed myself. jeez.
but it was worth. she told me she heard it. just didnt not it was from me.
haha. yesterday was funn!! well sianz at first
then the fun part was sitting at starbucks and NOT drinking coffee.
well, we sat there longer then a pig would cry and we were laughing so insanely i think we just embarrassed ourselves.
haha. but went home quite tired. and then i woke up at 1am
and i couldnt go back to sleep. i also cannot blog. thhe interenet was insane.
maybe too high due to national day.jeez.
back to today.
sorry its so confusing.
so i came back and i found a sinister looking bag on my counch. haha
more like i was curious to open it,
hhaaha. nice clothes!! for me!! yay
mama bought it. how thought ful of her
and now i shall go upload pictures!!
they will be upload sooooooo:D
black&white makes grey. @12:29 AM