today was *yawns* tiring
but with an element of fun!
today woke up at 7.45am when there is no school.
i cant enjoy late morning sleeping. boo
but all was worth it.
met weiyun and claudia at the forum outside.
and haha. i failed rolling up the slope to rool down with weiyun.
i was too lazy. PIGGG
then we met sabs at her house and went to bishan park to practise firsbee.
it was damm fun but after that we were soo tired we slacked till sandra come.
did i mention that sandra dumb dumbly walk for half and hour to bishan park so which means we were slacking like cows.
then all of us were water-less. smart people. THANK YOU THANK YOU!
so me and claudia went to buy from the opposite side but had to cross the overhead bridge.
but before that there was a group of grass-cuter and both of us were scare that the grass would cut us. cause i promised it will be pain.
so we were running like shit. till havent climb the bridge already dead.
so how you expect us to climb.
i promised at that time i wanted wings to fly.
mygosh. why does the over head bridge have to be so high?
its supposed to be OVER our HEADS.
not super duper HIGH INTO THE SKY.
it should be called SKYBRIDGE.
ok. i shall stop cusring the bridge. pat pat :)
and so. claudia went mad and bought two 1.5litres bottle for three people who are not saliva consious (me claud sandra)
then two normal bottles for weiyun and sabs
and an ice cream.
you guys owe me money!
and so we had too musch excess and i ended up bringing home one full bottle.
then we played for a while then slack for a little more then we went home.
sabs should be thankful her house was so near the park.
we and weiyun died walking home.
i waited with her at the bus. till it came which was like what??!
30mins of waiting. but haha. i sont really mind.
then i saw someone that i die also dont want to see.
and it was so embarrassing that i promised
i wanted to be a dog and dig a hole and keep my head in there.
i dont care. if the sun roasted my bum.
anyways. i better sleep.
still got the games carnival tmr.
and i will be mad and crazy running and catching the dumb dumb frisbee.
i love you frisbee.
come to me :)))
black&white makes grey. @11:41 PM